• Presentazione del primo volume dell'Edizione Nazionale delle Opere di Aldo Moro su piattaforma digitale

    il 24 maggio 2021, alle ore 16.00, in diretta streaming tramite il canale Youtube del Quirinale, accessibile attraverso il portale storico della Presidenza della Repubblica, a questo link: https://youtu.be/7co0-IKkEWE .
    Il volume, a cura di Gaetano Crociata e Paolo Trionfini, edizione critica e nota storico-critica di Tiziano Torresi, é dedicato agli Scritti giovanili (1932-1946), quelli che Moro scrisse da membro dell'Azione Cattolica giovanile universitaria e da intellettuale. Per il programma della presentazione, leggi tutta la notizia.
  • Seminar in New York on "Global Interdependence and the Crisis of Democracy: Aldo Moro's Vision, George L. Mosse's Interpretation"

    The "Seminar “Global Interdependence and the Crisis of Democracy”: Aldo Moro's Vision, George L. Mosse's Interpretation” will take place in New York, on November 10, 2017 (10:00 AM), at the Casa Italiana Zerilli-Marimò of New York University. The seminar is organized jointly by the Accademia di Studi Storici Aldo Moro, the Casa Italiana Zerilli-Marimò, the Permanent Mission of Italy at the United Nations, and the George L. Mosse Program in History, with the support of the Fondazione Cariplo and the Direzione Generale Biblioteche e Istituti Culturali of the Italian Ministry of Culture. To register for the Seminar: http://www.casaitaliananyu.org/node/2170Read the news.
  • ALDO MORO: HIS THOUGHT AND HIS POLICIES. The National Edition of his Works

    On 10 May, 2017, in the occasion of the XXXIX anniversary of the death of Aldo Moro, a meeting was held "ALDO MORO: PENSIERO E POLITICA. L’Edizione nazionale delle opere". Alfonso Alfonsi, Andrea Angiolini, Ugo De Siervo, Guido Formigoni, Marina Giannetto, Renato Moro and Sara Tonelli were the speakers. Il Ministro dei beni e delle attività culturali e del turismo (Ministry of Culture), On. Dario Franceschini also intervened. The meeting, which was held at the Conference Room of the Historical Archives of the Presidency of the Republic, was organized by the Accademia di Studi Storici Aldo Moro, in collaboration with the Committee for the Edizione nazionale delle opere. Read the news.
  • "Mondo Contemporaneo" concerning the interview to G.L. Mosse
    On the first issue 2016 of the journal of contemporary history “Mondo contemporaneo”, in the new feature “Sotto la lente (Under the magnifying glass)”, an in-depth discussion of the book "Intervista su Aldo Moro" (Inteview on Aldo Moro) di George L. Mosse, edited by Alfonso Alfonsi (with a preface of Renato Moro and a critical note of Donatello Aramini, Rubbettino, 2015) was published. The contributions were from Paolo Acanfora, Piero Craveri, Richard Drake, Philippe Foro, Maria Salvati. Read the news.
  • A grant from the Ministry of Cultural endowment
    The ministry of Cultural endowment, cultural activities and tourism, has awarded a grant (under article 8, L.534/96) to the Accademia di Studi Storici Aldo Moro to support its research and cultural activities program for the year 2016. Read the news.
  • 6-11 agosto 2016 - Predazzo ricorda Aldo Moro
    Sabato 6, domenica 7, martedì 9 e giovedì 11 agosto 2016 il Comune di Predazzo ricorda Aldo Moro, in occasione del centenario della nascita dello statista, con una serie di iniziative. Per il programma dettagliato degli eventi, leggi tutta la notizia.
  • News

    Read about all the initiatives and events

Cultural and research activities

Over the years, the Accademia Aldo Moro has promoted a series of cultural and research activities on important political and social themes, with reference to Aldo Moro’s thinking and work.

Within this picture, the Accademia has firstly paid particular attention to the theme of the crisis of the state in contemporary societies, in order to offer opportunities for discussion on one of the decisive issues for the development of democracy in mass societies. This subject links up with important aspects of Moro’s thinking, who believed that there is a close connection between the crisis of the state and the emergence and spreading of a higher subjectivity, or greater awareness of the dignity and value of individuals, of an increase in the expectations of societies and of a marked tendency towards the autonomy of people from the centres of production of norms and values of public life.

The first Centre-Left coalition (1963-1968) was the object of various initiatives promoted by the Accademia Aldo Moro, which included an itinerary of research and reflection organised in cooperation with the Luigi Einaudi Foundation for political and economic studies and the Fondazione Italianieuropei. These initiatives aimed to promote a more attentive in-depth interpretation of that political coalition in order to bring out its significance for the country’s history.

In line with Aldo Moro’s teachings on the need to steer the complex change processes underway in the country, the Accademia also promoted a “Forum on the southern Italian question”. The Forum sprang from a multidisciplinary reflection on the situation of southern Italy and on the main points of its development.
Here follows a list of these and other cultural and research activities promoted by the Accademy.

- Study on the theme "The cognitive dimensions of political action" (Le dimensioni cognitive dell’azione politica), 2003–2006.

- Seminar "The Republic between governability and the achieving of democracy. Reflections on strategy and on the impacts of the first Centre-Left coalition" (La Repubblica tra governabilità e compimento della democrazia. Riflessioni sulla strategia e sugli impatti del primo centro sinistra) – Rome, 21 January 2004
Short note
Speech by Alfonso Alfonsi

Speech by Luciano d'Andrea
Speech by Giovanni Orsina

- Introductory talk "Binding democracy and society. Itinerary of study and reflection on the Italian experience of the first Centre-Left coalition" (Legare democrazia e società. Itinerario di studio e di riflessione sull’esperienza italiana del primo centro sinistra) – Rome, 16 April 2003
Summary of the speeches

- Conference by Tom Burns "The actors of civil society in European governance" (Gli attori della società civile nella governance europea) – Rome, 29 October 2001

- Working group on Aldo Moro’s vision of the role of African and Latin American states in the international community – Rome, 1998-2001
Go to the page of commemorations

- Working group on the policies to combat poverty, in relation to Aldo Moro’s thinking – Rome, 1999-2000
Go to the page of commemorations

- Working group on the relationship between parliaments and societies and on the issues of the accomplishment and stability of democracy in Aldo Moro’s thinking – Rome 1997-1998
Go to the page on the 20th Anniversary

- International Conference "Our long march to democracy. Actuality of Resistance and Future of Democracy in Italy" (La nostra lunga marcia verso la democrazia. Attualità della resistenza e futuro della democrazia in Italia) – Rome, April 5-6, 1995
Background document

- "Social exclusion in southern Italy – Strategies, policies and actors of development" (L'esclusione sociale nel Mezzogiorno – Strategie, politiche e attori dello sviluppo) – Ninth session of the Forum sulla Questione Meridionale – Bari, 30 November – 1 December 1994

- Conference by Abram de Swaan on "Social policies and development processes within a transnational perspective: the challenges of the world summit on social development" (Politiche sociali e processi di sviluppo in una prospettiva transnazionale: le sfide del vertice mondiale sullo sviluppo sociale) – Rome, 9 May 1994

- "Numbers, data and images" (Numeri, dati e immagini) – Eighth session of the Forum sulla Questione Meridionale – Bari, 10-11 December 1993
Background document

- Presentation of the first two books of the series published by the Accademia Aldo Moro "Aldo Moro e la crisi della forma partito"(Aldo Moro and the crisis of the political party format) and "Per una storia della sociologia in Italia. Gli anni ‘50 e il Mezzogiorno" (For a history of sociology in Italy. The 1950s and the southern Italy) – Naples, 11 November 1993

- "Professionalism, university and education/training" (Professionalità, università e formazione) – Seventh session of the Forum sulla Questione Meridionale - Cagliari, 27–28 March 1992

- "Crisis of the political party format. Phenomenology, interpretations and issues" ( Crisi della forma partito. Fenomenologia, interpretazioni e interrogative) – Second session of the Forum sulla Crisi dello Stato – Rome, 4-5 February 1992
Background document

- "State, local autonomies and citizens" (Stato, autonomie locali e cittadini) – Sixth session of the Forum sulla Questione Meridionale – Bari, 21–22 June 1991

- Talk "The 1960s and the Centre-Left coalition" (Gli anni '60 e il centro sinistra) – Rome, 11 April 1991

- "Crisis of legislation: phenomenology, causes and remedies" (Crisi della legislazione: fenomenologia, cause e rimedi) – First session of the Forum sulla Crisi dello Stato – Rome, 18-19 October 1990

- "Sociology and development in southern Italy in the 1950s" (Sociologia e sviluppo del mezzogiorno negli anni ‘50) – Fifth session of the Forum sulla Questione Meridionale – Bari, 19-20 July 1990

- Presentation of the book "Aldo Moro: stato e società" (Aldo Moro: state and society) – Rome, 9 May 1990

- "Needs and institutes of university and post-university education" (Istanze e istituti di formazione universitaria e post-universitaria) – Fourth Session of the Forum sulla Questione Meridionale – Bari, 13–14 October 1989

- "Human resources for research in southern Italy" (Le risorse umane per la ricerca nel mezzogiorno: le scienze sociali) – Third session of the Forum sulla Questione Meridionale – Bari, 13-14 October 1988

- "Development personnel in local governments and administrations" (Il personale dello sviluppo nelle amministrazioni e nei governi locali) – Second session of the Forum sulla Questione Meridionale – Catania, 29-30 April 1988

- "Which men for the development of southern Italy" (Quali uomini per lo sviluppo del Mezzogiorno) – First session of the Forum sulla Questione Meridionale – Bari, 2-3 October 1987

- Some of the speeches of the first four sessions of the Forum are contained in the book "Risorse umane e sviluppo del Mezzogiorno" (Human resources and the development of southern Italy)
Go to the publications page

- Seminar: "The European dimension of southern Italian development" (La dimensione europea dello sviluppo del Mezzogiorno) – Palermo, 20–21 March 1987

- Study conference: "Catholics, southern Italianism and the southern Italian question" (Cattolici, meridionalismo e questione meridionale) – Cosenza, 28 October 1986

- Study conference: "Aldo Moro and southern Italy" (“Aldo Moro e il Mezzogiorno”) – Bari, 14–15 March 1986

- Conference by Kurt Waldheim "The role of international bodies in the development processes of peoples" (Il ruolo degli organismi internazionali nei processi di sviluppo dei popoli) – Rome, 4 October 1985

- Talk: "Aldo Moro and the generation of young Catholics of the 1930s and 1940s. The decision for ecclesial, political and social commitment" (Aldo Moro e la generazione dei giovani cattolici degli anni '30 e '40. La scelta per l’impegno ecclesiale, politico e sociale) – Rome, 22 May 1985

- Aldo Moro prizes for human promotion 1984 and 1985