• Presentazione del primo volume dell'Edizione Nazionale delle Opere di Aldo Moro su piattaforma digitale

    il 24 maggio 2021, alle ore 16.00, in diretta streaming tramite il canale Youtube del Quirinale, accessibile attraverso il portale storico della Presidenza della Repubblica, a questo link: https://youtu.be/7co0-IKkEWE .
    Il volume, a cura di Gaetano Crociata e Paolo Trionfini, edizione critica e nota storico-critica di Tiziano Torresi, é dedicato agli Scritti giovanili (1932-1946), quelli che Moro scrisse da membro dell'Azione Cattolica giovanile universitaria e da intellettuale. Per il programma della presentazione, leggi tutta la notizia.
  • Seminar in New York on "Global Interdependence and the Crisis of Democracy: Aldo Moro's Vision, George L. Mosse's Interpretation"

    The "Seminar “Global Interdependence and the Crisis of Democracy”: Aldo Moro's Vision, George L. Mosse's Interpretation” will take place in New York, on November 10, 2017 (10:00 AM), at the Casa Italiana Zerilli-Marimò of New York University. The seminar is organized jointly by the Accademia di Studi Storici Aldo Moro, the Casa Italiana Zerilli-Marimò, the Permanent Mission of Italy at the United Nations, and the George L. Mosse Program in History, with the support of the Fondazione Cariplo and the Direzione Generale Biblioteche e Istituti Culturali of the Italian Ministry of Culture. To register for the Seminar: http://www.casaitaliananyu.org/node/2170Read the news.
  • ALDO MORO: HIS THOUGHT AND HIS POLICIES. The National Edition of his Works

    On 10 May, 2017, in the occasion of the XXXIX anniversary of the death of Aldo Moro, a meeting was held "ALDO MORO: PENSIERO E POLITICA. L’Edizione nazionale delle opere". Alfonso Alfonsi, Andrea Angiolini, Ugo De Siervo, Guido Formigoni, Marina Giannetto, Renato Moro and Sara Tonelli were the speakers. Il Ministro dei beni e delle attività culturali e del turismo (Ministry of Culture), On. Dario Franceschini also intervened. The meeting, which was held at the Conference Room of the Historical Archives of the Presidency of the Republic, was organized by the Accademia di Studi Storici Aldo Moro, in collaboration with the Committee for the Edizione nazionale delle opere. Read the news.
  • A grant from the Ministry of Cultural endowment

    The ministry of Cultural endowment, cultural activities and tourism, has awarded a grant (under article 8, L.534/96) to the Accademia di Studi Storici Aldo Moro to support its research and cultural activities program for the year 2016.. Read the news.
  • "Mondo Contemporaneo" concerning the interview to G.L. Mosse

    On the first issue 2016 of the journal of contemporary history “Mondo contemporaneo”, in the new feature “Sotto la lente (Under the magnifying glass)”, an in-depth discussion of the book "Intervista su Aldo Moro" (Inteview on Aldo Moro) di George L. Mosse, edited by Alfonso Alfonsi (with a preface of Renato Moro and a critical note of Donatello Aramini, Rubbettino, 2015) was published. The contributions were from Paolo Acanfora, Piero Craveri, Richard Drake, Philippe Foro, Maria Salvati. Read the news.
  • 6-11 agosto 2016 - Predazzo ricorda Aldo Moro

    Sabato 6, domenica 7, martedì 9 e giovedì 11 agosto 2016 il Comune di Predazzo ricorda Aldo Moro, in occasione del centenario della nascita dello statista, con una serie di iniziative. Per il programma dettagliato degli eventi, leggi tutta la notizia
  • Presentazione del libro "Con La Pira in Vietnam"

    Il 25 giugno 2016, alle ore 17:00, si terrà a Civita Castellana (VT), presso la sala delle Conferenze della Curia Arcivescovile (Piazza Matteotti, 5), la presentazione del libro “Con La Pira in Vietnam” (Ed. Polistampa, 2015) di Mario Primicerio (Università di Torino, Presidente della Fondazione Giorgio La Pira). L’iniziativa, promossa dall’Associazione culturale nazionale Giorgio La Pira, è realizzata con il patrocinio dell'Accademia di studi storici Aldo Moro, della Fondazione Giorgio La Pira e dell'Archivio storico Flamigni. Leggi tutta la notizia.
  • La vita di Moro. Percorsi biografici a 100 anni dalla nascita

    In occasione del XXXVIII anniversario della morte dello statista, l’Accademia di studi Storici Aldo Moro, promuove e organizza l’incontro dal titolo “La vita di Moro. Percorsi biografici a 100 anni dalla nascita”. L'incontro si terrà a Roma, l’11 maggio 2016 (ore 15.30-18.45) presso la Sala Convegni dell’Archivio Storico della Presidenza della Repubblica, Palazzo Sant’Andrea, Via del Quirinale, 30. Leggi tutta la notizia.
  • Seminario su Aldo Moro il 12 febbraio 2016

    Il 12 febbraio 2016 si terrà a Roma il seminario ”Aldo Moro nel centenario della nascita: una vita e un percorso di democrazia”, nel quadro di un ciclo di incontri, organizzato dall'Archivio storico della Presidenza della Repubblica, intitolato “L’Italia repubblicana: origini e sviluppo di una democrazia. Uomini e donne dell'Italia repubblicana”. L’evento si svolgerà dalle ore 9 alle 15, presso la sede dell'Archivio storico della Presidenza della Repubblica (palazzo Sant'Andrea, via del Quirinale, 30). Leggi tutta la notizia.
  • Presentazione del volume con l'intervista a George Mosse su Aldo Moro

    Il volume “Intervista su Aldo Moro” di George L. Mosse, a cura di Alfonso Alfonsi, con prefazione di Renato Moro e una nota critica di Donatello Aramini (editore Rubbettino), sarà presentato a Roma il 16 dicembre, alle ore 16.00, presso l’Università degli studi di Roma Tre – Dipartimento di Scienze Politiche – Aula delle Lauree (via Gabriello Chiabrera, 199 – 2° piano). Leggi tutta la notizia.
  • Contributo della Fondazione CARIPLO

    La Fondazione CARIPLO ha deliberato un contributo al progetto "L'intelligenza e gli avvenimenti", programmato nell'ambito delle celebrazioni per il 150° anniversario dell''Unità d'Italia. Leggi tutta la notizia.
  • News

    Read about all the initiatives and events


Seminar in New York on “Global Interdependence and the Crisis of Democracy: Aldo Moro's Vision, George L. Mosse's Interpretation”
The "Seminar “Global Interdependence and the Crisis of Democracy”: Aldo Moro's Vision, George L. Mosse's Interpretation” will take place in New York, on November 10, 2017 (10:00 AM), at the Casa Italiana Zerilli-Marimò of New York University. The seminar is organized jointly by the Accademia di Studi Storici Aldo Moro, the Casa Italiana Zerilli-Marimò, the Permanent Mission of Italy at the United Nations, and the George L. Mosse Program in History, with the support of the Fondazione Cariplo and the Direzione Generale Biblioteche e Istituti Culturali of the Italian Ministry of Culture.
The occasion for the seminar is the recent republication in Italy, and the forthcoming publication in English, of historian George L. Mosse’s “Interview on Aldo Moro”, conducted by Alfonso Alfonsi in January 1979. According to Mosse, Moro offered an original approach to the recurrent crises of participation and consensus that parliamentary democracies began to face after World War Two, as mass societies developed and global interdependence increased. Moro, as Mosse put it, strove to “broaden the basis of the system of parliamentary government to take account of the nature of modern mass politics”. The seminar, having a multidisciplinary character, will begin by outlining Aldo Moro’s views on this subject, as Mosse interpreted them. It will then move to a discussion of the new challenges faced today by parliamentary democracies, including the rise of various forms of authoritarian populism.
The seminar will be chaired by Sebastiano Cardi, Permanent Representative of Italy at the United Nations. Welcoming addresses are foreseen by Stefano Albertini (Director, NYU Casa Italiana Zerilli-Marimò), and Skye Doney (Director, George L. Mosse Program in History at the University of Wisconsin-Madison). Speakers at the roundable will be: Alfonso Alfonsi, President, Accademia di studi storici Aldo Moro; Giuliana Chamedes, University of Wisconsin-Madison; Renato Moro, Università degli Studi Roma Tre; Gabriele Quinti, Director, Knowledge & Innovation; Nadia Urbinati, Columbia University. David Forgacs (New York University) will conclude the initiative.
To register for the Seminar: http://www.casaitaliananyu.org/node/2170

ALDO MORO: HIS THOUGHT AND HIS POLICIES. The National Edition of his Works
On 10 May, 2017, in the occasion of the XXXIX anniversary of the death of Aldo Moro, a meeting was held "ALDO MORO: PENSIERO E POLITICA. L’Edizione nazionale delle opere". Alfonso Alfonsi, Andrea Angiolini, Ugo De Siervo, Guido Formigoni, Marina Giannetto, Renato Moro and Sara Tonelli were the speakers. Il Ministro dei beni e delle attività culturali e del turismo (Ministry of Culture), On. Dario Franceschini also intervened. The meeting, which was held at the Conference Room of the Historical Archives of the Presidency of the Republic, was organized by the Accademia di Studi Storici Aldo Moro, in collaboration with the Committee for the Edizione nazionale delle opere. The texts of some interventions, as well as video and audio recordings of the initiative, are available on a web page of the Historical Archive of the Presidency of the Republic.
Go to the web page of the Historical Archive of Presidency of the Republic
Read the invitation
Go to the web page of the Edizione nazionale delle opere

A grant from the Ministry of Cultural endowment
The ministry of Cultural endowment, cultural activities and tourism, has awarded a grant (under article 8, L.534/96) to the Accademia di Studi Storici Aldo Moro to support its research and cultural activities program for the year 2016.

“Mondo Contemporaneo” concerning the interview to G.L. Mosse
On the first issue 2016 of the journal of contemporary history “Mondo contemporaneo”, in the new feature “Sotto la lente (Under the magnifying glass)”, an in-depth discussion of the book "Intervista su Aldo Moro" (Inteview on Aldo Moro) di George L. Mosse, edited by Alfonso Alfonsi (with a preface of Renato Moro and a critical note of Donatello Aramini, Rubbettino, 2015) was published. The contributions were from Paolo Acanfora, Piero Craveri, Richard Drake, Philippe Foro, Maria Salvati.

An Anthology of Aldo Moro’s Writings and Speeches, in Italian and English
The Accademia Aldo Moro has prepared an anthology of over 50 passages taken from Moro’s writings and speeches. The anthology, edited by Maria Letizia Coen Cagli, Luciano d’Andrea and Marco Montefalcone, with the cooperation of Alfonso Alfonsi, has both an Italian version and English one (translated by Franco Amodeo). The document was prepared in view of the International Conference “The governance of societies in the 21st century. Thinking back to Aldo Moro”, (Rome, November 17-20 2008). The passages contained in the anthology have been divided into four chapters: “Italy and Europe in international relations change processes”; “Building consensus in contemporary societies”; “Religions and democracy”; “Constituent processes and the achieving of democracy”.

First meeting of the Group for the promotion of historiographic research on Aldo Moro
The first meeting of the work group for the promotion of historiographic research on Aldo Moro was held in Rome on 22 May 2008. It was promoted by the Accademia and coordinated by Renato Moro, Pro-rector of Roma Tre University. The meeting also saw the participation of the historians: Guido Formigoni (IULM, Milan), Leopoldo Nuti (Roma Tre University), Paolo Pombeni (University of Bologna) and Mariuccia Salvati (University of Bologna). The following people also took part, on behalf of the Accademia: Alfonso Alfonsi, Luciano d’Andrea, Marco Montefalcone and Paolo Signore. The meeting established the initial action lines of the work group and also the framework for the session dedicated to historiographic research on Aldo Moro to be included within the International Conference “The governance of societies in the 21st century. Thinking back to Aldo Moro”, Rome, November 17-20, 2008.
Some photographs of the meeting

The naming of the Sala Gialla of Montecitorio after Aldo Moro
The 13 May 2008 saw the ceremony for naming the "Sala Gialla" (Yellow Room) of the Montecitorio building (which houses the Chamber of Deputies of the Italian Parliament) after Aldo Moro. The Speaker of the Chamber of Deputies, Gianfranco Fini, unveiled a plaque bearing Aldo Moro’s name as well as a dedication of the Speaker and of the other deputies of the 16th legislature, dated 9 May 2008. The initiative also saw the participation of Agnese Moro, Alfonso Alfonsi and some members of parliament: Giuseppe Pisanu, Maria Stella Gelmini, Giuseppe Pizza, Pierluigi Castagnetti, Gianclaudio Bressa, Antonello Soro, Rocco Buttiglione, Pier Ferdinando Casini, Bruno Tabacci, Mario Tassone, Luciano Violante, Rosa Calipari and Donato Bruno.

May 9 2008, "Aldo Moro between memory and history"
On 9 May 2008, a commemoration meeting was held in the Sala delle Colonne of the Chamber of Deputies, entitled “Aldo Moro between memory and history”. The initiative was held in the framework of the 30th anniversary of Aldo Moro’s death. The meeting also saw the participation of Alfonso Alfonsi, Franco Frattini, Alberto Melloni, Agnese Moro, Renato Moro and Francesco Rutelli.
Read the relative invitation

9 May 2008 – Remembrance Day for the victims of terrorism
On the day of remembrance for the victims of terrorism, the President of the Republic, Giorgio Napolitano, remembered Aldo Moro and the men of his escort (Raffaele Iozzino, Oreste Leonardi, Domenico Ricci, Giulio Rivera and Francesco Zizzi) in a ceremony held at the Quirinal Palace. Aldo Moro was also commemorated in other ceremonies held in many cities on this Remembrance Day.
Go to the page of initiatives of other organisations

High Patronage of the President of the Republic
On 21 March 2008 the President of the Republic granted his High Patronage to the itinerary of initiatives envisaged by the Accademia Aldo Moro on the occasion of the 30th Anniversary of Moro’s death. The itinerary itself had been illustrated to the President by a delegation of the Accademia in a previous meeting at the Quirinal Palace on 7 February 2007.

The contributions of Regione Liguria, Fondazione Cariplo, Regione Lazio and Intesa SanPaolo